As the result of a natural disaster or urgency situation, normal communications will be disrupted and calling for immediate help will be hard to do. What will be your best way to contact urgency services or check on your loved ones?
Most everyone has a cell phone, but using them will be difficult immediately after a disastrous event. Past experiences during old urgency situations have shown that everyone tries to either call for help or to check on loved ones at the same time with their cell phone. Cellular systems are not designed to deal with that high volume of calls and will swiftly overload, getting straight through to anyone is nearly impossible. Also, if there happens to be issues with the cell phone network as the result of damaged Tower Antennas or Base Stations, your cell phones could be inoperable for days or even weeks. However, if the cell phone network does stay intact and the volume of calls has diminished, your cell phone could be a vital tool to keep in touch with family and friends as long as the battery doesn't go dead. Every urgency Kit or survival plan should consist of a way to recharge your cell phone batteries and there are any reasonable options such as having extra charged batteries, battery back-up packs, solar power, or small hand-crank generators. Be sure to also have a Cigarette Lighter Plug-in Adapter for each Cell Phone to be able to recharge your battery from a Cigarette Lighter Outlet in your car if that's your only option.
Using your Home phone, also known as a land-line, is a good way to immediately call during or after a disaster. Even if the lights go out, plugged in Home phones will work because they get their power to control from the phone line itself and don't need the Ac power from your house. Also, phone lines are hard wires usually buried deep and protected to withstand most weather and events, it's not base that they will be affected. Your Home phone will need to have a corded handset, in other words, the wire from your handset needs to plug directly into the phone base. Home phones with wireless handsets need Ac power for the base to send the signal to the handset, so they will not work when the power is out. Additionally, phone systems bundled with your cable principles will also not work, because if the power is out, your cable will also not be working. Be prepared, tuck away a corded Home phone with your urgency supplies.
The most trustworthy way to spin or call for help during or after a disaster is to use a 2-meter Amateur Band Ham Radio. anyone can use them, they can be inexpensive, and can be the size of a thorough walkie-talkie to as a matter of fact pack away for use in emergencies. urgency Responders use the 2-meter Amateur Radio Band and are often aware of situations even before local Police and curative Services. The 2-meter Amateur Band frequencies are not locally little or affected in times of emergencies, Ham radio operators are often the first contacted to aid in major disasters with communications in the middle of the group and urgency services such as law enforcement, fire response, and urgency curative services. The American Red Cross has recognized that the 2-meter Amateur Band is the most effective way to provide communication and Ham Radio operators provide 90% of the coordination efforts during a major emergency. If a major disaster occurs, having these radios could save your life or the lives of your loved ones.
However, please note that the Fcc wants you licensed to broadcast on your radio, but for the Amateur 2-meter band, it's as easy as taking a easy test of 35 questions exterior operating procedures, rules and regulations, and minor electronics with no Morse Code memorization necessary. If needed, classes are available everywhere, inexpensive, and don't take too much time. Also, remember to have back-up batteries or a recharging principles for your hand-held radios, they might be the best way to spin and stay informed during an urgency situation, but a dead battery means you're on your own.
Reliable communications are vital during any extended urgency situation or Natural disaster such as flood, fire, earthquake, hurricane, or even the unthinkable act of terrorism. Having the potential to as a matter of fact contact urgency or curative personnel if needed could be vital to you and your family's survival.
This report is one of a series of articles discussing areas most commonly not remembered or misunderstood in preparing for a disaster or urgency situation.
urgency Survival Communications: How to Stay related